Both your knowledge and your research are only as useful as the accuracy and clarity with which you present them."

—Natalie Reid

Natalie provides customized three-day workshops in technical writing and report writing. As Natalie uses samples of participant writing to perform a needs assessment, both the content and focus of each workshop depends on the needs of the individual client.

General descriptions of the two workshops follow:

Clear Technical Writing

Target Audience

All scientists, engineers, technicians, and other professionals who write or review technical reports or documents


Three days

Clear Technical Writing is an intensive workshop that teaches participants how to bring precision, clarity, and organization to their writing. This workshop provides the tools for organizing data clearly and presenting it accurately and effectively. Participants learn to:

  • use precise language
  • organize information in useful form
  • troubleshoot problems with clarity
  • present technical material in a form that others can easily grasp

The workshop uses individual and group writing, criticism, and analysis to provide hands-on experience in developing skills such as:

  • eliminating ambiguity in technical presentations
  • focusing information precisely
  • sequencing data logically
  • making smooth transitions

Writing Clear Reports

Target Audience

Anyone whose job includes report writing and who has a good grasp of basic English language skills


Three days

Writing Clear Reports gives participants the skills necessary for writing logical, clear, and useful reports. They receive hands-on experience in every stage of report writing, including:

  • organizing information
  • developing the purpose statement
  • outlining, writing, and revising the report
  • writing abstracts and executive summaries

The workshop uses individual and group writing, criticism, and analysis to provide direct experience in building skills such as:

  • organizing notes to best advantage
  • focusing content appropriately
  • using clear language and making smooth transitions
  • sticking to the point
  • arguing a case convincingly
© 2010-2025 Natalie Reid / Site by Adam Baney